Magical Skincare Tips Every Woman Should Know This Autumn


Magical Skincare Tips For The Autumn Season

Healthy skin that glows from within requires your proper attention. Every season demands different care for your skin.  Autumn not just changes the colour of leaves but also affects your skin. Cold and dry air with less humidity, dehydrates the skin that causes dryness and sagging. Especially, if you live in areas with extremely dry and harsh winds, you are more likely to develop rough, red and itchy skin.

In such cases, you need to make some necessary changes in your skincare routine that will protect it from the harsh environmental effects of the autumn season. We have a list of some effective tips to help you this autumn to get better and brighter skin.

So, let’s get autumn skin by following the given skincare tips and suggestions.

Less Exfoliating, More Moisturising

Though you need to exfoliate your skin all year round, you should do this less in autumn because cold weather makes the skin very dry. So, exfoliate less and hydrate your skin more with a good moisturiser.

Keep your skin moisturised all day to avoid dryness and patchy skin. Autumn can make your skin dry and dull because of the low moisture content in the atmosphere. Dryness can lead to wrinkles and uneven skin tone. So, you need to moisturise your skin properly to keep it soft and supple and restore/repair the skin barrier. Because a healthy skin barrier is key to minimising the onset of ageing. Use of a moisturizer with an SPF on top is highly recommended if it is sunny outside.

Also, use a cleanser that does not make your skin dry. Use a cream cleanser because of its hydration properties. These lock the moisture in the skin and make it plump and soft. They also reduces scars and pigmentation.

Less moisture also makes your lips chapped and crack the feet and hands. So, use an organic lip balm and foot and hand cream. You should also apply lotion to your body to keep it moisturized. Doing this after shower when your skin is slightly damp can really lock in the moisture.

Hydrate Yourself

Hydration is the key to fresh, healthy, and glowing skin. Dehydrated skin becomes dry, tight, and uneven. Drinking enough water not just hydrates your body but also hydrates your skin. A well-hydrated skin performs properly in maintaining the texture and tone of the skin. Hydrated skin looks fresh, plump, and glowing. Other than drinking water and herbal teas, you should also add hydrating skincare products to your daily routine.

You can drink sole water or saltwater early in the morning to replenish your body with minerals. It is very easy to make this sole water using just two ingredients. Make a saturated solution of Himalayan pink salt with water. Every morning drink a teaspoon of this solution by mixing in a glass of water. Himalayan salt contains more than 80 minerals in traces. Drinking this saltwater will provide the minerals essential for your body and skin.

Facial Oils 

Oil on your skin may sound weird but it is not only the new skincare trend but has also been around for centuries. Oils have so many great properties that make them ideal for the skin. Facial oils can be a good addition to an autumn skincare regimen. Research from 2018 demonstrates that certain plant oils help repair the skin barrier and also prevent your skin barrier from losing moisture. Many of these oils have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects, too.

Because of their lipophilic nature, they deeply penetrate into the skin and soften and moisturise while also promoting hydration. They don’t hydrate by adding in moisture like a moisturising cream would, rather they form a barrier which can help lock in moisture which is already present within your skin. Other than their moisturising  and hydrating properties, these oils also have healing properties and can remove spots, scars and slow down the aging process.

Slug it Out!

Apply your night time moisturiser before going to bed and on top of this apply a facial oil or wax based face mask such as our Queen B Sleeping Beauty Balm to lock in the moisture and give your skin the hydration boost it sorely needs at this time of year.

Beauty Sleep

Lack of sleep directly shows up on the face. Collagen is one of the main building blocks in our skin and when we sleep our bodies produce growth hormones that stimulate the skin to make collagen This increased collagen production heals the skin and prevents fine lines and sagging.

When you get up after eight to nine hours of good sleep, your body and face feel fresh and rejuvenated. Your skin feels more vibrant and clearer. The old skin cells get replaced with new ones during sleep and makes the skin young and glowing.

Jeffrey Lewis (My Bio)

Hi, thank you for stopping by! My name is Jeffrey and I’m a blogger at Ittefaq Salt. I love to share my knowledge and experiences with others. I want to help others to live healthy lifestyles. I mostly write on home, nature, health, food, and nutrition-related topics.

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