Picture Gallery

…and they all lived happily ever after….

We’ve helped so many of you. So we thought – why not show off some of your beautiful transformations? After all, the results look magical and who doesn’t want a bit of magic in their life?

They say that “a picture is worth a thousand words” but if these pictures aren’t inspirational enough why not read some of the beautiful comments or head on over to our customer testimonials and individual product reviews?

Get £100 Worth of Free Stuff!

How would you like to get £100 worth of free products? Sound too good to be true? We know they say that there is no such thing as a free lunch, but in our case there is, plus the dessert and even the coffee and mints!

We invite you to submit your before and after photo’s – one before and one after photo would be enough – and if used on our website you could get free stuff! Just like Isabella and the rest of her Transformation Sisters below. 

Not only could you have beautiful new skin (as if by magic!) by using our products but you could also fill your boots with all of your favourites!

Welcome to the sisterhood! 

Olyvia, “haven’t had a breakout since”

Problem Skin Perioral Dermatitis/Eczema 

Solution ProSkin Eczema

“I have been using this product everyday for about 5 months now and before I started using it my face was a mess.

My neck and my face had eczema/dermatitis all over it. I had itchy red rashes on all around my mouth and eyes and down my whole neck and I couldn’t stand it.

I finally bought this and haven’t had a breakout since. It really started working after about a week of using it. You wouldn’t even be able to tell I have eczema on my face right now.” Olyvia 


Isabella, “have seen dramatic improvements”

Problem Skin Perioral Dermatitis

Solution ProSkin Eczema

“I have always suffered with mild eczema break outs on my face throughout most of my adult life but back in Jan of this year the skin all over my chin and reaching up to my cheeks had flared up worse than it ever had.
I was unable to wear makeup, washing my face made it feel tight and uncomfortable on a daily basis and I was scared to put anything on my skin.
My doctors prescribed me a hydrocortisone but this has only ever worked temporarily in the past and I had heard than using it for recurrent bouts of eczema could actually be causing it to reappear.
I stumbled across the Pro Skin Excema cream as I wanted something tailored to my skin problem without being full of ‘nasties’ and it did not disappoint.
I have been using the cream daily since late January and have seen dramatic improvements.
The flare up calmed down after only a couple of weeks and further down the line, my skin feels nourished and healthy for the first time. The excema has virtually disappeared in this time.
Takes a bit of time and perseverance but the end results are fantastic and I haven’t seen a flare up since. Thankyou so much!” Isabella 

Sarah-Jane Morris, “I wish I’d found this miraculous cream sooner”

Problem Skin Child Eczema

Solution Tiny Troubles Natural Baby Rescue Cream

“I stumbled upon this cream when my youngest child was a few months old and had some dry skin/eczema appear on her torso.

Within days of using it, it had disappeared! When we ran out of the second bottle, I kept forgetting to order but after a month or so, another smaller flare up of eczema occurred on the back of my daughters knee.

Within two days of using, it was visibly better and within 10 days had completely gone. I wish I’d found this miraculous cream sooner as my eldest also suffered with bouts of eczema which nothing cured.

It’s quite expensive in comparison to other creams but it’s well worth it as it actually works! And compared to the cost of homeopaths and various lotions/potions used with my eldest child, it’s minimal.

I love the smell of the cream, how it absorbs into my children’s skin and how soft their skin feels when using this cream. I couldn’t be without it now and tell everyone about it.” Sarah-Jane Morris


Lauren, “Within a day it started to improve”

Problem Skin Perioral Dermatitis 

Solution ProSkin Eczema


I have been suffering for 10 months with perioral dermatitis and it was really painful and causing me a lot of discomfort.

I started taking antibiotics but it still wasn’t giving me any comfort. I ordered the ProSkin Eczema after seeing a recommendation on a website.

Within a day it started to improve and I decided to photograph it every day to map the improvement. 2 weeks on and it’s gone completely.” Lauren


Beth, “Nothing prepared me for the results”

Problem Skin Perioral Dermatitis 

Solution ProSkin Eczema


I just wanted to say how impressed and relieved I am to of finally found a product that has got rid of my perioral dermatitis.

Having no luck with the doctors simply because I was misdiagnosed with hormonal acne several times, I decided to take matters into my own hands and stumbled across your dermatitis and eczema cream.

I was consciously optimistic but nothing prepared me for the results that occurred almost immediately.

Within a few days the red horrible bumps went down and the overall redness had faded immensely. 2 months later I am officially dermatitis free.

Just wanted to say Thankyou so much because I genuinely feel without purchasing this cream I’d still be suffering with what seemed to be an untreatable skin problem.

Here are before and after pictures taken less than 2 months apart.” Beth 


Anna, “I am so eternally grateful”

Problem Skin Perioral Dermatitis 

Solution ProSkin Eczema


“I am just writing to say that I am so eternally grateful for your ProSkin Eczema cream.  I don’t know what magic you put in there but I will never, ever be without it.  Ever. 

It’s hands down the best purchase I have made in the last two and a bit years since I first got perioral dermatitis…….

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
With my eternal gratitude,

Laura, “My skin has completely healed”

Problem Skin Perioral Dermatitis 

Solution ProSkin Eczema

“Hi there ,
i just wanted to thank you for the cream (ProSkin Eczema) i purchased a few months ago. For the first time ever, I suffered with perioral dermatitis.
I have never had any skin conditions before & not even had to deal with acne or spots. At 44, I didn’t know what was
happening my face. After a lot of reading & scouring websites, I found you guys. The reviews were so helpful hence why I’m writing to you.
My skin has completely healed & is back to how it was. I do continue to use it as a daily moisturiser as I love it.
Thanks so much!!!!


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