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Pisces (February 19 – March 20), You are a

Pastel faery Witch

You can easily meddle with the Fairy World and transcend the Physical plane.

You can also easily invite faeries in to your life and establish a firm and fruitful connection with those in the Fae Realm.

You are imaginative and creative and have inner peace. You easily get along with people around you and flourish easily in any environment.

You are probably into writing, home decorating, and expressing yourself in floral fashion.

Please remember we are all fabulously unique and these are just broad traits that may not apply to everyone.

The Fun bit.

Bath magick, checking out every witchcraft book the public library has, spells protecting your family, rewriting your grimoire page 10 times because the handwriting doesn’t look right, sleeping with azurite under your pillow.

Possible Familiars; Golden Retriever, Birman Cat, Otter

Magickal lotions & potions