Less is Definitely More

Less is Definitely More When It Comes To Great Skincare

Our products have already helped thousands of you and although they are gentle and work in harmony with your skin, they contain extreme power, and the results appear ‘magical’.

Real Magick?

These results occur because we select natural botanicals created by Mother Nature herself to transform and heal.

When her wisdom is combined with the wisdom passed down by our ancestors, and our extensive knowledge of the science behind how these botanicals work and how your skin responds to them, amazing transformations can and do occur.

Too Many Similar Ingredients

Skincare products are often overwhelmed with too many similar ingredients all competing with one another and doing exactly the same job. Crazy, right! The reason behind this is to intentionally complicate skincare products so they appear ‘better’ for your skin. Many times this makes skin worse and a disharmony occurs between products and skin.

At the end of the day it is ‘style over substance’ and we are all about ‘substance over style! and keeping it real!’ Like our ancestors before us, we know that it is better to keep it simple, but that doesn’t make our products less effective. In fact this simplicity is what makes them more effective and leads to better looking skin.

Our Ancestors Knew!

Our ancestors knew that simplicity was key, and we have also followed in their footsteps by using their ancient remedies in our recipes… ancient remedies used by Witches and herbal healers alike!

Remedies that took them hundreds and maybe even thousands of years to gain the necessary level of knowledge, expertise and and wisdom required to use them effectively and for the correct purpose. 

Passed Down From Mother to Daughter!

This knowledge and wisdom was attained through trial and error (and also through their inherent gifts of wisdom and intuition, often passed down from Mother to daughter). 

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