You have a great ability to direct a very focused current of energy towards whatever you desire.
You are wise and fair.
You are clairvoyant and you tend to see things before they happen.
You enjoy Samhain (the origin of Halloween). You enjoy contacting the dead.
You tend to dress in deep and dark colours.
Please remember we are all fabulously unique and these are just broad traits that may not apply to everyone.
So many craft store Halloween decorations. Obsidian scrying mirrors, listening to witchcraft podcasts in the car, always willing to help out baby witches, mood boards, hexing corrupt politicians, red jasper bracelets, playing music during rituals.
Possible Familiars; Boxer, Main Coons Cat, Squirrel
“Like you I’m not perfect, I’m myself warts and all.
But I embrace my true nature and stand firm and stand tall.
I glide with pure grace and I march on a mission.
For I was sent here to tell you that you’re all in transition.
It may not feel easy, feels like life is a bitch.
But it’ll be made so much easier if you embrace your inner witch.”
All you budding witches would do well to get on Instagram in particular and connect with your fellow Insta Witches. Sharing your idiosyncratic stories and lifestyles adds to our spectrum of understanding of what it can feel like to be a woman and a Witch.