Argan Tree

Discover Why Argan Oil is Aptly Named the Tree of Life


Used for centuries in Morocco, argan oil is produced from the kernels of the Argan tree, endemic to Morocco, and is valued for its nutritive, cosmetic and numerous medicinal properties.

This nutrient rich exotic oil from Morocco will rejuvenate your skin. It will protect and moisturise your skin, reduce visible signs of ageing and tackle the appearance of wrinkles caused by stress, sun and wind.

This is nutrient rich and contains essential fatty acids, vitamin E, polyphenols, carotenoids, ferulic acid and triterpenoids. These components are important in making the body healthy, particularly the skin.

The fatty acids help restore the skin’s integrity and natural barrier, and the antioxidants protect and reverse the effects of environmental damage on the skin.

Ferulic acid in argan oil helps neutralise free radicals and protect the skin from UV damage. Moreover, because of the presence of triterpenoids that protect from outside elements, argan oil can keep the skin well-hydrated, smooth and increase elasticity.

Extensive scientific research has revealed that argan oil restores the skin’s water-lipid layer and increases the amount of nutrients and oxygen in the skin cell, neutralises free radicals, and protects connective tissue.

Ferulic Acid is the most abundant phenolic compound found in argan Oil. A study in 2004 showed it to be more effective at fighting free radicals than vitamin E, vitamin A or vitamin C.

A more recent study at Duke showed that when ferulic acid was added to a mix of vitamin C & E, it doubled the already impressive 4-fold UV protective qualities of the vitamins to an amazing 8-fold.

This super antioxidant has even been found to increase its antioxidant activity when exposed to UV rays. Not only can it help protect your skin from future damage, but also help heal damage from the past

Those acids are a great tool in fighting photo ageing. They are, in fact, active antioxidant compounds that are perfect UV scavengers.

A study published in a 2009 issue of “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry” studied the effects of applying different levels of polyphenols on the skin.

Participants applied either 92 or 20 percent tea polysaccharides or 98 percent polyphenols on their skin. After frequent application, participants were measured for moisture absorption, retention, sunscreen and building new skin cells.

The results found that the polyphenols applied to the skin protected it against ultraviolet radiation and enhanced skin cell growth.

Argan oil contains phytosterols, which lend anti-ageing benefits by promoting new collagen production that is lost from sun exposure and ageing.

One of the contributing factors in the ageing of the skin is the breakdown and loss of collagen (the main component in connective skin tissue) and sun exposure is a major contributor to the problem. As the body ages, it is not able to produce collagen as it once did.

The National Institutes of Health reports on a study out of Germany in which various topical preparations were tested on skin for 10 days.

The topical treatment that showed anti-ageing benefits to the skin was the one that contained phytosterols and other natural fats.

It is reported that phytosterols not only stopped the slow-down of collagen production that can be caused by the sun, it actually encouraged new collagen production.

All argan oil sold today is produced by a women’s cooperative that shares the profits among the local women of the Berber tribe.

The cooperative has established an ecosystem reforestation project so that the supply of argan oil will not run out and the income that is currently supporting the women will not disappear.

The money is providing health care and education to the local women, and supporting the entire community as a whole.

Sending Out an SOS – Please Join Us and Lets Save Our Skin

Take a deep breath when you read this:

  • There are over 10,000 industrial chemicals in common skin care products.
  • The average American adult is exposed to 168 hazardous chemicals each day. Unfortunately there are no statistics for the UK but we reckon it will be similar.
  • Everything applied to the skin, be it lip stick or deodorant, sun block or general skin care products are absorbed by the body, just like they’d been eaten.

Unfortunately since artificial chemicals are not well tolerated by our bodies they can cause a multitude of health problems.

The Breast Cancer Fund in the US states that “Beauty should be more than skin deep. Be conscious of the toxic chemicals that may be in the cosmetics and toiletries you use.”

Some beauty products contain carcinogens and endocrine-disrupting chemicals that increase breast cancer risk. As a general rule it is advisable to avoid products that contain too many synthetic ingredients and to opt for products with natural ingredients instead.

Natural ingredients work in harmony with your skin and body and were created by Mother Nature for our use.

What you put on your body goes in your body.

Unfortunately the majority of skin care products contain Parabens, Dioxane, Mineral Oils, Propylene Glycol, Synthetic Fragrances, Lanolin, Phthalates, Triethanolamine and Harsh Sulphates.

Unlike natural ingredients these synthetic ingredients have an adverse effect on your skin.

Mineral oils (Paraffinum Liquidum & Petrolatum Liquidum), for example, cause premature ageing since they do not allow your skin to absorb nutrients or to breathe.

Your skin needs nutrients to prevent premature ageing and to keep it in good condition.

It also needs to breathe to allow unwanted toxins to be expelled. Mineral oil suffocates your skin.

Unfortunately 99% of skin care products found on the High Street contain mineral oil and these other harmful ingredients.

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